Saturday 1 August 2020

Poor Mr. Lebai (Pak Lebai Malang)

Once upon a time, long ago in West Sumatra, there lived a man named Mr. Lebai. He lives in a house, located right in the middle between the upstream and downstream parts of a river.
Poor Mr. Lebai (Pak Lebai Malang)

Mr. Lebai Gets an Invitation

One day, Pak Lebai received two festivals at a distance from each other. One invitation for festivity comes from the upstream area of ​​the river, while another invitation comes from the area downstream of the river.

"Mr. Lebai, come tomorrow to our house downstream. We want to hold a feast by cutting two buffaloes." said his neighbor who lives downstream, inviting Mr. Lebai.

"Alright I'll come tomorrow," answered Mr. Lebai.

Not long after that, a neighbor who lived upriver came, inviting Mr. Lebai.

"Mr. Lebai, can we come tomorrow to our house at the head of the river. We want to hold a feast." said the neighbor from the headwaters of the river.

"Neither my neighbor, I will come tomorrow to your house." Mr. Lebai agreed.

Despite feeling happy, but after his neighbor returned, Pak Lebai felt confused. He wanted to attend the invitation to the upper reaches of the river because the cuisine of the upper reaches of the river is famous for being delicious. Meanwhile, he also wants to attend the invitation downstream because he wants to taste buffalo meat.

Why did Mr. Lebai get confused after receiving the invitations? It's because of his greed. The next day, Mr. Lebai paddled his sampan to attend the festivity upstream of the river. He decided to go to a festival in the upper reaches of the river because the upstream river's cooking was known to be more delicious. But only half the journey he changed his mind because he wanted to taste buffalo meat. Pak Lebai then reversed his paddle toward the river in the river.

"I haven't eaten buffalo meat in a long time. I'll just go downstream," murmured Mr. Lebai.

Arriving downstream, Mr. Lebai saw many of guests paddling their canoe to go home.

"Hi, how are you eating here?" Pak Lebai asked the guests when they passed each other.

"The buffalo that is slaughtered here is very thin Mr. Lebai. The meat is a little." answered the guests.

Hearing this, Mr. Lebai immediately turned toward the festivity in the upper river. Because it was already late in the afternoon, Mr. Lebai accelerated the pace of his boat so as not to miss the festivity upstream. Arriving at the headwaters of the river, Mr. Lebai saw that the guests were getting ready to go home. They say that the feast is over. Finally, Mr. Lebai was disappointed, because of his greed he could not even attend the two festivals.

This is the folklore of the West Sumatra region about Pak Lebai Malang. He is a greedy man, so greedy, he just does not get whatever he wants. 

More Folklore on West Sumatra:

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