Folklore From West Nusa Tenggara

The following is a collection of Indonesian folktales, folklore, fairy tales, and legends in the midst of the people of West Nusa Tenggara Province.

The province of West Nusa Tenggara has a capital in the city of Mataram and has the motto of Believing and Competing.

Stories are collected from various sources. If there is a new story, it will be added soon. Hope it will be useful.
Folklore From West Nusa Tenggara
Kredit foto: Penggunaan wajarwikipedia

Batu Golog (The Golog Stone)
Batu Golog (The Golog Stone)
The folklore of Batu Golog originates from the West Nusa Tenggara area. It is said that according to the story, in ancient times in the area of ​​Padamara near the Sawing River, West Nusa Tenggara, there lived a husband and wife and their two children. The husband is named Amaq Lembain, while the wife is Inaq Lembain. The family lives in poverty. Their daily livelihood is as agricultural laborers. Every day they walked to the village village offering their strength to pound other people's rice. If Inaq Lembain goes to work pounding rice, her two children will accompany her.

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