Tuesday 21 July 2020

Nyai Anteh the Watcher of the Moon

During the full moon, we can see the shadow of Nyai Anteh weaving accompanied by her cat. It is said that Anteh weaves yarn into a ladder that she will use to return to earth, but her cat always destroys the weaving. As a result, until now Anteh lives on the moon, cannot return to earth. What is the story of Nyai Anteh being the watchman of the moon? Read the following folklore of West Java:
Nyai Anteh the Watcher of the Moon

In the royal palace in Pakuan, there are two beautiful and beautiful girls who always seem to get along. They are the daughter of Endahwarni, a potential heir to the throne of Pakuan and Anteh, personal court maids for Endahwarni's daughter. Nyai Dadap was the empress's favorite lady-in-waiting. She died while giving birth to Anteh. Therefore, Anteh was later raised with Endahwardani's daughter who was still a baby.

Putri Endahwarni and Anteh

After the two grew up, the daughter of Endahwarni and Anteh became more familiar even though they both had different statuses. Putri Endahwari already regards Anteh as her younger sister. But in the heart of Endahwarni's daughter a little jealousy was kept to Anteh, because Anteh had a more beautiful face than him.

One day, the Queen called Endahwarni's daughter. The queen said that the daughter of Endahwarni would later inherit the throne of Pakuan from her father. But the conditions are that Endahwarni's daughter must have a life companion. Therefore, the Queen plans to match Endahwarni's daughter with Anantakusuma, the duke of the Wetan Duchy. The queen also gave Anteh the task of meeting all the needs of Endahwarni's daughter.

After learning that she was going to be married to a man she did not know, Endahwarni's daughter felt uneasy. She was worried that Anantakusuma would not love her and vice versa.


One morning, Anteh was collecting jasmine flowers in a garden which he would use to decorate the bun of Endahwarni's daughter. While picking flowers, Anteh hummed happily. Anteh's melodious voice was heard outside the walls of the palace Pakuan. At that time a handsome young man was passing behind the walls of the palace garden. He was fascinated to hear such a beautiful voice. It turned out that the young man was Anantakusuma. With his magic, he easily jumped over the palace wall then hid behind the trees. Anantakusuma was seen by a very beautiful girl picking flowers. Anantakusuma's heart trembled at Anteh's beauty. His love for the girl before him arose. Anantakusuma thought whether the girl before him was the daughter of Endahwarni?

Anteh was surprised to see a young man he did not know was in the Pakuan palace garden. "Who is sir? Why are you in the palace garden? "

"I am Anantakusuma, the son of Duke of the Wetan Duchy. Are you Endahwarni's daughter? " Anantakusuma asked.

"Not. I am Anteh, maid of Endahwarni's daughter. " Anteh then ran into the palace.

Prince Anantakusuma was disappointed because the girl he really loved was a lady named Anteh, not Endahwarni's daughter.

A few days later, the Duke of the Duchy of Wetan came with his son, Anantakusuma, to officially propose Endahwarni's daughter. The King and Queen entertain their guests with joy. Putri Endahwarni also seemed happy to see her future husband who was very handsome and handsome. Another case with Anantakusuma who did not look enthusiastic. He was disappointed because it was not the dream girl he was going to marry.

Putri Endahwarni Expels Anteh

When the banquet arrived, Anteh and several other palace maids entered the room with trays of food. Anantakusuma gasped to see Anteh the girl he loved was in front of him. Anantakusuma's way of looking at Anteh did not escape the attention of Endahwarni's daughter. Burning jealousy Endahwarni daughter. Understand Endahwarni's daughter that Anantakusuma, her future husband, is in love with Anteh, not her. At that time he was very angry with Anteh.

After the banquet was over and the princess returned to her room, Anteh immediately met Endahwarni's daughter. In the room, Endahwarni's daughter immediately shed her anger at Anteh which made Anteh confused. Putri considered Anteh to betrayed her for having Anantakusuma turned away from her. Princess Endahwarni then expelled Anteh from the palace.

Having no other choice, Anteh then packed his belongings, then left the palace through the back door. When leaving, Anteh did not look the slightest because he felt sad leaving the palace. Yes, Pakuan palace is Anteh's house from birth to adulthood. Because the only place he could go was his mother's hometown, Anteh then walked to his mother's hometown, Nyai Dadap.

Anteh arrived at her mother's hometown at night. He then asked the locals about the house of the Nyai Dadap family. A resident kindly gave Anteh to his sister Nyai Dadap's house,Waru name. Knowing his sister's daughter arrived, Uncle Waru was very happy. Uncle Waru invited Anteh to live in his house.

Since then Anteh has lived in his uncle's house. Uncle Waru loved Anteh as much as he loved his own child. To help his uncle, Anteh received orders to sew clothes. At first Anteh sewed the clothes of the neighbors, because the stitches were good, people from distant villages also sewed their clothes to Anteh. So that he and his uncle's family can live enough from the results of sewing.

Many years have passed. Anteh is now married and has two children. One day in front of his house stopped a chariot and a lot of bodyguards were riding horses. As soon as the owner of the chariot stuck his head, Anteh screamed. It turns out it was Endahwarni's daughter. Princess Endahwarni got off the train and immediately cried hugging Anteh.

Putri Endahwarni apologized for driving away Anteh. He asked Anteh to return to live in the palace with his family. Eventually Anteh and his family moved to the palace. Putri Endahwarni has made a house on the edge of the park for their stay.

Anteh's return to the palace made her inevitably reunite with Anantakusuma, who is now Endahwarni's husband's daughter. Prince Anantakusuma apparently never forgot the girl of his dreams. The return of Anteh to the Pakuan palace made his love, which had been buried, rise again. At first prince Anantakusuma tried to survive by ignoring Anteh's presence. But the longer the more tempestuous love.

Nyai Anteh the Watcher of the Moon

One night the prince Anantakusuma was determined to go to the palace garden, hoping to meet Anteh. That's true He saw Anteh on his veranda, joking with Candramawat, his favorite cat while enjoying the beauty of the full moon. Although now old, but for prince Anantakusuma, Anteh was still as beautiful as when they first met. Anteh slowly approached him.

Seeing Anantakusuma's arrival, Anteh was afraid and tried to run away. But prince Anantakusuma chased him. Anteh prayed to God to be given the strength to break free of Anantakusuma. Suddenly Anteh felt a force pulling his body up. He looked up and saw the moonlight enveloping him and tugging at him.

Despite having supernatural powers, Prince Anantakusuma could not do anything to see Anteh flying towards the moon, the longer the higher and eventually disappear with the moonlight covered by clouds.

Since then Nyai Anteh has been living on the moon with her favorite cat, Candramawat. Anteh did not dare to return to earth for fear that prince Anantakusuma would chase him. But his longing for the family made Anteh want to go home. Then Anteh weaves cloth to be used as a ladder to return to earth. But unfortunately, Candramawat her favorite cat is always damaging her weaving. As a result, until now Anteh lives on the moon and has never returned to earth.

More folklore on West Java:

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